(2012) Translation: Plato Laches
(2011) Text-book: An Introduction To Reasoning
(2011) Article: "Diagramming Objections To Independent Premises", Informal Logic 31.2
(2011) Translation: Plato Meno
(2011) Translation: Plato Republic Bks. 2-4 (excerpts)
(2011) Review: J. D. G. Evans, A Plato Primer, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.01.17
(2010) Article: "As Happy As Can Be: How Republic's Philosophers Fare Best By Ruling", Journal of Ancient Philosophy 4.1
(2010) Translation: Plato Republic Bk. 1
(2009) Review article: "Scepticism About A Sceptical Aristotle", Polis 26.1
(2009) Article: "The Last Temptation of the Philosopher Ruler", Journal of Ancient Philosophy 3.1
(2008) Review: Susan D. Collins, Aristotle and the Rediscovery of Citizenship, Auslegung 29.2
(2007) Translations: Plato Euthyphro, Socrates' Defense, Crito, and death scene from Phaedo
(2006) Review: D. Brendan Nagle, The Household as the Foundation of Aristotle's Polis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.11.14
(2006) Review: Andres Rosler's Political Authority and Obligation in Aristotle, Polis 23.1