Beneath our modest size, there are many organizations on the Virginia Wesleyan campus, including some that are bound to catch your interest. From our award-winning newspaper The Marlin Chronicle to academic honor organizations and Greek Life, there's something for everyone. And, if there's something you feel passionate about that's not represented, you're welcome to start an organization to pursue your interest. Becoming part of a college organization is a great way to get involved with campus life, meet people who are interested in the same things you are, and grow as an individual. It's one more way to compound the value of your Virginia Wesleyan experience. Reach out to the Student Leader via their email or the organization’s Instagram to learn how to get involved.
Student Organization | Student Leader | Student Leader Email | Faculty/Staff Advisor(s) |
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. | Madison Hayes | mdhayes@vwu.edu | Jen Cohen |
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. | Judah King | jjking@vwu.edu | Alice Jones |
Alpha Sigma Alpha | Alanna Dillon | andillon@vwu.edu | Hailey Schumacher |
As One | Casey Bennett | cwbennett@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society | Jalen Major | jmmajor@vwu.edu | Dr. Maynard Schaus |
Bible Community | Casey Bennett | cwbennett@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Black Student Union | Daryl Tucker | datucker@vwu.edu | Dr. Rebecca Hooker & Zion Purvis-Allen |
Classics Club | Tate Stephenson | rlstephenson@vwu.edu | Benjamin Haller |
Deep Discussions | Miles Pifer | mzpifer@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Eta Sigma Phi | Tate Stephenson | rlstephenson@vwu.edu | Benjamin Haller |
Gainz for God | Casey Bennett | cwbennett@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Gamma Sigma Epsilon | Sainandan Challagundla | schallagundla@vwu.edu | Dr. Joyce Easter |
Half Baked Club | Jaylin Diggs | jjdiggs@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Jam Band | Tyler Barnett | tmbarnett@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. | Blake Bagley | bibagley@vwu.edu | Alice Jones |
Latino Student Alliance | Josue Maradiaga | jmmaradiaga@vwu.edu | Felipe Hugueno |
Marlin Gems Dance Team | Daryl Tucker | datucker@vwu.edu | Doug Kennedy |
Marlins Fishing Club | Katie Baker | kmbaker@vwu.edu | Dr. Victor Townsend |
Marlins Go Green | Jessica Wilson | jjwilson1@vwu.edu | Dr. Elizabeth Malcolm |
Men's Group | Casey Bennett | cwbennett@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
National Pan-Hellenic Council | Destiny Gaspard | dgaspard@vwu.edu | Jen Cohen |
National Society of Leadership and Success | Daryl Tucker | datucker@vwu.edu | Taryn Myers |
Panhellenic Council | Abby Moyers | aemoyers@vwu.edu | Jen Cohen |
Phi Alpha Theta | Christian Palmisano | clpalmisano@vwu.edu | Stephen Leist |
Phi Kappa Tau | Stephen Schneider | scschneider@vwu.edu | Sarah Guzzo |
Poetry Club | Oliver Chauncey-Heine | oechaunceyheine@vwu.edu | Sara Ryan |
Ready. Set. College. | India Johnson | ibjohnson@vwu.edu | Lisa Lyon Payne |
S.A.C.H. (Students Against Continued Homelessness) | Aidan Foley; Isaac Nathanial Samuel | adfoley@vwu.edu; oaawogboro@vwu.edu | Dr. Kathy Stolley |
SAAC (Student Athlete Advisory Council) | Alex Moody | armoody@vwu.edu | Jeff Bowers |
Sigma Nu | Toren Greenfield-Tuthill | tngreenfieldtuthill@vwu.edu | Brandon Foster |
Sigma Sigma Sigma | Hannah Keane | hekeane@vwu.edu | Jeffery Toussaint |
Sigma Zeta, National Science & Mathematics Honor Society | Katie Baker | kmbaker@vwu.edu | Maury Howard |
Simcha Club (Jewish Student Union) | Emma Wehr | elwehr@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Social Work, Social Change Club | Samantha Silvia | sgsilvia@vwu.edu | April Christman |
Spectrum | Aiden Croghan & Ariana Frazier | accroghan@vwu.edu, aefrazier@vwu.edu | Kelly Jackson |
Student Government Association | Miles Pifer | mzpifer@vwu.edu | Jen Cohen & Jason Seward |
Tabletop Gamers' Guild | Clay Yokom | kayokom@vwu.edu | Shane Boyd |
The Marlin Chronicle | Victoria Haneline | vfhaneline1@vwu.edu | Lisa Lyon Payne |
Thirst Project | Maria J. Matthews | mjmatthews@vwu.edu | Levi Tenen |
Weekly Watch Party: The Chosen | SharMonika Brandon | sabrandon@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Wild Team | Madison Moore | mrmoore@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Women of God | Molly Brennan | mkbrennan1@vwu.edu | Marie Porter |
Young Democrats | Christopher Mercer-Garrett | cjmercergarrett@vwu.edu | James Moskowitz |
Young Life | Ashleigh Lockard | adlockard@vwu.edu | Jeff Bowers |
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. | Julia Hathaway | jahathaway1@vwu.edu | Jen Cohen |
To start a new student organization, please use the active student organization request form. All student organizations will need to meet the following requirements:
- 5+ active members who are currently enrolled at the University (exception: fraternities, sororities, and honor societies may have less)
- A mission statement or description of purpose
- A faculty/staff advisor (full- or part-time employee of VWU, but not a student) to guide and support the organization. If you have difficulty identifying an advisor, the Office of Student Engagement may be able to assist.
- An Executive Board with, at minimum, two officers that indicates a chain of command. We recommend four (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary)
- An up-to-date constitution (a template is available online) and can be included in the online registration process.
Please refer to the Student Organization Manual for more information.