Underrepresented students who decide to study away face additional challenges. This site aims to provide resources to assist underrepresented students with learning more about studying away (in general and from someone like themselves), provide tips and suggestions on preferred countries, and share scholarship information.
Students who are the first in their families to attend a college or university are already taking a huge step outside of their families’ comfort zone. As a result, students wanting to study away may face additional concerns and need additional support in order to make their travel journey possible. These resources will assist first-generation students in learning what it is like to study away and how it can be possible for them.
- First Generation Student Traveling Abroad - Diversity Abroad - Provides steps and advice on studying abroad as a first generation student.
- First Generation Students Study Abroad Guide - GoAbroad - Free e-book on navigating the study abroad process and making study abroad affordable.
- Black and Abroad - crowd-sourced information hub for Black travelers
- Stories from First Generation Study Abroad Students - GoOverseas - Learn from returned first generation study abroad students about what it was like to study abroad.
- I’m First - Online community of first-generation college students.
- First Generation Students Abroad - University of Chicago tips and resources for first generation students on studying abroad.
- Ask a First Generation Student - Know Without Borders student stories.
- First-Generation Study Abroad Student Experience - IES Abroad stories from first-generation study abroad students.
- I Swear You Can Study Abroad: First Generation Students - DePaul University video from a first-generation student discussing benefits of study abroad and how to make it happen.
- All Abroad.us - General resource for students and parents about studying abroad.
The United States is considered to be somewhat progressive in its thinking about LGBTQIA+ issues and individuals. However, not all countries have as progressive a stance, and in some countries it is illegal to be a homosexual. These resources will provide important country information on LGBTQIA+ laws, studying away as a LGBTQIA+ student, and how to navigate the immigration system.
- International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex Association (ILGA) Sexual Orientation Laws Map - Map, available in different languages, on protection of discrimination and criminalization of same-sex sexual acts between adults in various countries.
- ILGA also has several other resources and maps for LGBTQIA+ concerns around the world.
- Equaldex - Information on LBTQ laws and rights around the world.
- State Department LGBTQIA+ Traveler Information - information for travelers before they leave and while they are there.
- US Passport Information on Gender Designation Change - Detailed information and frequently asked questions for those undergoing a gender designation change.
- Transgender Law Center - guide to changing federal identity documents
- National Center for Transgender Equality - Information on navigating the passport application process and airport security for transgender students.
- TSA Transgender Passenger Information - Pre-departure and while at the aiport information for transgender people.
- LGBT Student Guide for Education Abroad - University of South Florida guide for LGBT travelers including region and country specific information.
- The Dos and Don’ts of Being an LGBTQ+ Ally During Study Abroad
- Sex, Gender, and Sexuality - Michigan State University tips and questions to consider for LGBTQI+ students.
- 10 Tips for Being BIPOC Abroad - Tips for BIPOC students to better understand study abroad and enhance their experience.
- The International LGBTQ+ Travel Association (IGLTA) - assists with finding LBTQIA+ owned and welcoming businesses and housing in over 75 countries.
- LBGTQ Traveler’s Perspectives - GoAbroad - Student guide including resources and information on scholarships and recommendations for study abroad destinations.
- Global Gayz - Travel and culture website focused on LBGT-Gay life worldwide.
- Tips for Studying Abroad as a Student from the LGBTQIA+ Community - Program provider blog offering tips and advice for LGBTQIA+ travelers.
- 9 Major Life Lessons I Learned Studying Abroad as an LGBT - GoOverseas student blog post about studying abroad as an LGBT student.
- Identities Abroad - College of the Fenway student videos and advice for LGBTQ students.
- GLAAD - Tips to be a better ally toward transgender people
- Amnesty International - A global movement that campaigns to end human rights abuses no matter who people are or where they are.
- Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) Rainbow Scholarship - FEA offers a scholarship to selected LGBTQIA+ students participating in academic rigorous, high-quality study abroad programs.
Studying away can be an exciting time of discovery, but for racial and ethnic minorities it can also be fraught with additional concerns about identity and racism. These resources provide information from diverse students on their study abroad experiences as minority students. There are also resources for how students can prepare for their experience and scholarship information.
- Minority and Students of Color Abroad - Diversity Abroad - Questions to consider and tips for study abroad.
- Diversity Abroad - All of Diversity Abroad’s website is dedicated to underrepresented students and provides resources and scholarship information.
- African American Perspectives: Meaningful Travel Tips and Tales - GoAbroad tips and stories from Black students who have traveled abroad.
- Diversity and Identity: Students of Color Abroad - Portland State University website offering things to consider as a student of color wanting to study abroad.
- 9 Truths for Black Students Traveling Abroad - GoAbroad tips for black study abroad students.
- 10 Reasons for African Americans to Study Abroad - Transitions Abroad article on benefits of study abroad including resources.
- Studying Abroad for Black Women - Book - Diary of a traveling Black woman
- Travel Noire - Insights from a global community of black travelers.
- Latinx-POC Travel Bloggers of Color to Follow - Great list of Latinx travel blogs to check out.
- Allabroad.us - Information for all students studying abroad
- Race and Ethnicity Abroad - Guilford College website with links to lived experiences of American students of color while abroad.
- ‘N A Perfect World - Blog including insights on Black Travel
- Studying Abroad While Black - video by blog author talking about her experience studying abroad as a Black woman.
- A Latina’s Study Abroad Journey - Interesting takeaways from a Latinx student who studied abroad in an English speaking country.
- Hyphenated Americans in Study Abroad - Northwestern University article on a Mexican-American student’s experience abroad.
- Orientation for Students of Color Studying Abroad - University of Minnesota video with insights into studying abroad as a student of color
- My Experience as a Minority Student Abroad - Blog about experience in Spain as a minority student.
- My Very Personal Taste of Racism Abroad - New York Times account of a study abroad student’s experience with racism while in Italy.
- Being Black in an African Country - Arizona State University student’s experience in Morocco.
- Traveling with Natural Hair - Video panel discussion and tips for black students traveling abroad.
- 10 Reasons for Hispanic-American Students to Study Abroad - Hispanic Network article on benefits to studying abroad for Latinx students.
- Minority Rights Group International - World directory of minorities and indigenous peoples
- Black & Abroad - Resources for travel written by Black world travelers.
- Project for Learning Abroad, Training, and Outreach (PLATO) - Resources, including articles and scholarship information, to support underrepresented students.
- Fund for Education Abroad - One application offers access to numerous scholarships, most targeted at underrepresented students.
- Hispanic Scholar Fund - Provides scholarships and resources for exceptional Hispanic students to complete their higher education.
- United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Scholarships - Various scholarships, each with their own criteria, deadlines, etc.
- NAACP Scholarships - Various scholarships, each with their own criteria, deadlines, etc.
Those who have served in the military may have already had an abroad experience—unlike any other. These resources provide information to veterans on how they can take advantage of their earned veterans’ benefits to study away in a country of their choosing.
- Post-9/11 GI Bill: Study Abroad Program Fact Sheet - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs fact sheet on using GI Bill and studying abroad
- Student Veterans and Study Abroad - AIFS resource with questions to consider for Veterans wanting to study abroad.
- Foreign Programs - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs information on completing a degree at a foreign institution.
- GI Benefits - General GI Benefit information from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
- How to Use Your GI Bill to Study Abroad - GoAbroad article providing information on how to use GI benefits for study abroad.
- The Use of Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits for Study Abroad - Forum on Education Abroad advocacy resources for the use of GI benefits.
- Veterans, Active Duty, and ROTC - The University of Kansas website for Veterans including resources and a video on a veterans experience studying abroad after the Air Force.
- Study Abroad for Students Using Veterans Benefits - While a Texas Tech University website it does have good information on why Veterans and ROTC students should study abroad and what the GI Bill covers and does not cover.
- Virginia Wesleyan University Veterans Support Services - VWU’s financial aid resource page for Veterans.
- Tillman Scholarship - Scholarship from the Pat Tillman Founding for service members, veterans, and military spouses looking to pursue a degree.
- Project GO - ROTC Student Scholarship to study critical languages domestically and abroad.
- Gilman-McCain Scholarship - study abroad scholarship for child dependents of active duty service members to study abroad on credit-bearing programs.