2024-25 Study Away Courses

Virginia Wesleyan University offers study away courses taught by our VWU faculty members. The 2024-25 study away course offerings are listed below. For more information about individual courses, contact the faculty instructor directly.

Students enrolled in VWU’s study away courses may apply for The Lighthouse’s Global Engagement Course Grants. Please contact the Director of Global Engagement, Brooke Novkovic, for more information.

January 2025

EDUC 480: Field Experiences in Education

EDUC 480: Field Experiences in Education

Description: Apply your learning of theory and research-based pedagogical strategies to teach Environmental Education (EE) at Stroud Research Station in Maritza, Costa Rica. Students will work alongside environmental scientists and environmental education experts to explore culture and investigate multiple tropical ecosystems in order to develop original EE curriculum that meets the needs of diverse groups. Students will travel from source to sea while interacting with multiple tropical ecosystems on land and in the water in the Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, Parque Nacional Guanacaste, and Programa de Educación Biolóica.

Destination: Santa Rosa, Costa Rica
Travel Dates: January 3-10, 2025 (tentative)

For more information, please contact Dr. William McConnell (wmcconnell@vwu.edu).

HUM 201: Performance and “The Park” Visitor Experience from Busch Gardens to Walt Disney World

HUM 201: Performance and “The Park” Visitor Experience from Busch Gardens to Walt Disney World

Description: Performance and "The Park" allows you to get a behind-the-scenes look at how entertainment is created! Explore Walt Disney World, and talk to the people who help bring the magic of the parks to life. This course will allow you to talk with working professionals in the amusement park industry, and learn how different amusement parks help to create a unique experience for every visitor.

Destination: Orlando, Florida
Travel Dates: January 13-20, 2025

For more information, please contact Trey DelPo (jmdelpo@vwu.edu).

SPAN 310: Spanish Speaking Localities and Culture

SPAN 310: Spanish Speaking Localities and Culture

Description: This course examines the relationship between geography, natural and urban landscapes, and the cultural richness of the country of interest and its people. The class will visit some of Ecuador’s unique regions/cities to experience and learn how location and geography contribute to culture. Students will visit Quito (the capital), Cuenca (UNESCO World Heritage Trust Site), and smaller villages/towns in the Napo Region.

Destination: Ecuador
Tentative Travel Dates: January 3-16, 2025

For more information, please contact Dr. Felipe Hugueño (fjugueno@vwu.edu).

SPAN 310: Spanish Speaking Localities and Culture

SRM 348: Maui Sea to Sky - Adventure Travel’s Impact on Culture and the Environment

Description: Via a trip to the island of Maui, this course investigates the impact of adventure travel on culture and the environment.   With the assistance of our local partners, students experience this unique location from the top of a 10,000 foot volcano to hiking seaside lava fields, working in the taro farms in the US's only rainforest, and experiencing first hand surfing for beginners!  After over 25 years of trips we return in 2025 for a special visit to consider as well how tourism is impacting the island's rebound from last year's devastating wildfires.

Destination: Maui, Hawaii
Tentative Travel Dates:January 9-16, 2025

For more information, please contact Dr. Doug Kennedy (dkennedy@vwu.edu)

Spring 2025

HUM 200: Topics in Religion - Oxford Faith and Literature

HUM 200: Topics in Religion - Oxford Faith and Literature

Description: The course takes students to Oxford and surrounding areas to explore the literature and world of C. S. Lewis. It also follows the footsteps of those authors and poets who influenced him (e.g. George Herbert, Samuel Coleridge, etc.) and connects their sites of origin with Lewis' writings. It is a course that opens the wardrobe door to Narnia and other enchanted spots.

Destination: Oxford, England
Tentative Travel Dates: March 20-28, 2025

For more information, please contact Dr. Terry Lindvall (tlindvall@vwu.edu).

Summer 2025

ENVS 283: Seminar in Alaska - Environmental and Cultural Sustainability 
EES 250: Field Experiences in Earth and Environmental Sciences

ENVS 283: Seminar in Alaska - Environmental and Cultural Sustainability
EES 250: Field Experiences in Earth and Environmental Sciences

Description: This unique interdisciplinary course takes you to the distinctive and dramatic landscape of Southeast Alaska to illustrate the interconnectedness between the major forces that have shaped our planet and how its inhabitants live their lives. Participants will visit a retreating glacier, raft the Chilkat River, hike through a temperate rainforest, and discuss ancient and contemporary sustainability with the indigenous Tlingit people.

Destination: Haines, Alaska
Travel Dates: June 17-26, 2025

For more information, please contact Dr. Elizabeth Malcolm (emalcolm@vwu.edu).

Faculty Study Away Course Spotlights

Dr. Terry Lindvall discusses his course in Oxford, England.

Dr. Elizabeth Malcolm discusses her course in Alaska.