Weather Update:

The University will be closed on Friday, February 21, due to weather conditions in our immediate area. All non-essential employees should work remotely from home.  Students should monitor their University email and check Blackboard for faculty instructions, as some classes will be conducted remotely. Essential personnel should report to campus as scheduled.

We anticipate returning to normal operations on Monday, February 24.

Additional Information

Undergraduate Online Courses

ARTH 232 Renaissance to 20th-Century Art (4) (H)
A survey of the visual arts and their relationship to social, cultural, and political history from the Renaissance to the Modern era. Concentrates on the European tradition of painting, sculpture, and architecture especially the changing social role of artists and the development of modern definitions of "fine art." This course is a chronological continuation of ARTH 231, but the latter is not a prerequisite.

CLAS 210 Roman History (4) (H)
Uses wide-ranging sources from history, literature, and archaeology to explore Roman civilization from its earliest beginnings, through the period of Republican expansion and transition into a vast empire, concluding with the Empire's ultimate decline and dissolution. Special attention is given to Roman historiography and to the political changes from Republic to Empire.

CJ 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice (4)
Engages students in critical analysis of the criminal justice system in America. Emphasizes the investigation of social order and the notion of "justice" as defined by the various social institutions. Students explore the significance of law, state and property relations, and the administration of justice through police, the courts, and corrections is also examined. Prerequisite: First-year students and sophomores only or consent. 

CJ 290 Extreme Murder (4)
Studies serial homicides and investigates serial killers and mass murders. Students become knowledgeable on risk factors and basic theoretical explanations, and understand the impact of these rare events on society. Reviews response options for criminal justice professionals

CJ 300 Law Enforcement (4)
A critical exploration of law enforcement from an historical, sociological, and legal perspective. Race, social class, sexual orientation, and gender identities are considered in the context of occupational roles and community issues. Attention is given to viable problem-solving strategies for issues in law enforcement. Prerequisite: CJ 100. 

CJ 301 Criminology (4)
A sociological view of crime and criminality. Socioeconomic, cultural, and biosocial processes are considered, as well as the criminal products of society. Topics include theories about the causation of crime, crime typologies, and patterns of crime and social injury. Prerequisite: CJ 100. 

CJ/SOC 350 Introduction to Social Research (4)
An examination of the logic, the strategies and the methods of sociological inquiry; an analysis of classical and contemporary models of research. A foundation course required for sociology majors. Identical to SOC 350. Prerequisite: junior/senior status. 

CJ 387 Criminal Law (4)
An overview of the power and limits of government authority to define, prohibit, grade, and punish socially harmful behavior. Includes the nature of criminal law, classification of crimes and criminal liability, punishment, and more. Prerequisite: senior/junior status. 

COMM 325 Organizational Communication (4)
Examines all forms of communication in any profit or non-profit organization. Combines theory and practice to understand intended and unintended messages. Topics include culture, networking, impact of technology, medium and channel, and rhetorical purpose.

ENVS 106 Humans, the Environment, and Sustainability (4) (S)
Examines environmental issues and their interactions with our society. Topics include cultural ties to the environment, food production, urban planning, biodiversity, and society's energy and water requirements. Although the course emphasizes a social systems perspective, environmental issues necessitate an interdisciplinary approach. 

ENVS/ENG 306 Ecopoetry (4) (W)
An in-depth exploration of the various ways in which contemporary poets and critics seek to understand past and present poetries as negotiating the often porous boundaries between the human and nonhuman in our experiences of the world. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher and any "T" course or consent. Identical to ENVS 306. 

ENVS/POLS 326 Environmental Policy Analysis (4) (S,W)
Examines environmental politics and policy by studying a set of substantive environmental policy issues to establish the issue context, define the policy problems, and evaluate alternative solutions. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher. Identical to POLS 326. 

ENVS/ENG 410 Environmental Writings (4) (I,W)
A study of important environmental writings and how they have shaped our understanding of the relationship between humans and nature. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher and junior/senior status. Identical to ENG 410.

ISP 101 Fundamentals of Information Systems (4)
Introduces students to the fundamental principles and practices of utilizing information systems to help organizations achieve their goals and carry out their missions. While the course serves as the introductory course in the Information Systems Program curriculum, it is a suitable elective for any student interested in the subject. Students should have a working knowledge of Internet use and computer applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, and e-mail.

MUS 120 Music and the Brain (4) (A)
Listen to and discuss a variety of music and musical styles and their connection to the brain and our emotions. Investigate how we understand and appreciate the aesthetic values of various genres and periods of music.

MATH 104 Algebra and its Applications (4) (Q)
Presents topics in algebra through traditional and applications-based methods. Topics include functions, exponents and scientific notation, linear, exponential, rational and quadratic functions and graphs, systems of equations, quadratic and linear inequalities. Prerequisite: placement level C, Math 005 with a grade of C or higher, or consent. Students must have a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator. 

MATH 210 Introductory Statistics (4) (Q)
Introduces students to learning from data. Topics include the basics of data production, data analysis, probability, Central Limit Theorem, and statistical inference. Statistical software is used for data management, calculation, and visualization. No previous knowledge of statistics is required. Prerequisites: Sophomore status or higher. Placement level B or A or H, or MATH 104 (C- or higher). Not appropriate for first-year students. 

MBE 201 Introductory Macroeconomics (4)
A study of contemporary economic systems and the analysis necessary to achieve the "economic way of thinking." Prerequisites: elementary algebra skills (MATH 104 or placement level H, A, B) and sophomore status or above.

MBE 202 Introductory Microeconomics (4)
The second semester of this two-part course enables students to understand and apply the tools of micro-economic analysis to contemporary profit or non-profit organizations.

MBE 203 Accounting I (4)
A study of the basic principles and systems of accounts that underlie general purpose financial reporting. Includes the analysis of accounting transactions and how they affect the balance sheet, the income statement, and the statement of cash flows. Introduces students to financial statement ratios commonly used in evaluating for-profit organizations.

MBE 204 Accounting II (4)
The second semester of this two-part course covers the collection and interpretation of accounting data for use by management in planning and controlling business entities. Introduces students to cost-volume-profit analysis, budgeting, standard costing, analysis of variances between budgeted amounts and actual results.

MBE 301 Principles of Management (4) (W)
A study of the art and science of management in relation to the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Students learn through both in-class and out-of-class group experiences, with substantial writing about such experiences. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher, MBE 201 and 203, and junior status. 

MBE 315 Managing Diversity in Organizations (4)
Promotes an awareness of cultural differences and positive attitudes toward these differences. Includes topics related to effective management of people who vary in race, gender, age, disability status, nationality, or sexual orientation. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher.

MBE 316 Marketing Principles (4)
Builds upon the analytical and communication skills gained in lower-level courses. Students gain an understanding of products and services, channels of distribution, pricing strategies, and elements of promotion. Prerequisite: MBE 201, 203, and junior status. 

PSY 321 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (4)
Presents an overview of individual, environmental, and organizational factors that affect job-related behavior. Topics include selection, testing, motivation, job satisfaction, job analysis, performance evaluation, safety and violence in the workplace, stress, leadership, and engineering psychology. Prerequisites: junior/senior status and PSY 101 or 102, or consent. 

PSY 388 Cognition (4)
Examines research findings that help us understand how people perceive, remember, and think. Provides extensive opportunities for students to gain valuable insights regarding their own cognitive skills. Prerequisites: junior/senior status and PSY 101 or 102.

SW 201 Introduction to Social Work (4) (S)
Acquaints the beginning student with the history, philosophy, values, concepts, language, directions, problems, and broad scope of health and human services. Offers exposure to various agencies and agency policies. Prerequisite: sophomore/junior/senior status.