Weather Update:

The University will be closed on Friday, February 21, due to weather conditions in our immediate area. All non-essential employees should work remotely from home.  Students should monitor their University email and check Blackboard for faculty instructions, as some classes will be conducted remotely. Essential personnel should report to campus as scheduled.

We anticipate returning to normal operations on Monday, February 24.

Additional Information

Courses Required for Allied Health Studies

Allied Health Courses

AHS 300 Principles of Public Health
The evolution, scope and practice of Public Health. Theories of disease causation, epidemiologic, nutritional, and population transitions contextualize modern public health issues and needs. Existing social inequalities in health status related to race, social class, and gender; and the critical intersection between social and behavioral risk factors, and public health interventions will also be covered. Prerequisites: junior or senior status. Offered every spring.

AHS 470 Internship in Allied Health
This course offers hands-on internship opportunities directly relevant to allied health. Students are expected to coordinate their internship placement with the supervising faculty member at least 2 months prior to placement. Prerequisites: junior or senior status, GPA of 2.5 overall, major or minor in Allied Health, and consent. May repeat this course for up to 8 credits. Offered each semester.


BIO 201 Microbiology for the Health Sciences (4)
This course is intended for those students enrolled in the joint Nursing Program with the Sentara College of Health Sciences and is an introduction to the science of the biology of microorganisms as applied to health care settings. $50 lab fee. Prerequisite: CHEM 130. Offered every fall or on demand.

BIO 202 Human Nutrition (4)
This course is designed to introduce processes by which the human body obtains nutrients from food to maintain structural and functional integrity. We explore dietary sources, intake levels and the requirement of major nutrients, role of nutrition in growth and human health, and the role of diet in chronic diseases. Prerequisites: CHEM 130 and BIO 221 or BIO 222. Offered every summer or on demand.

BIO 221 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
An integrated lecture/laboratory experience that examines the anatomy and physiology of humans. Includes a survey of the nervous, muscular, skeletal, integumentary, and respiratory systems. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours each week. $50 lab fee. Offered each fall.

BIO 222 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4)
An integrated lecture/laboratory experience that examines the anatomy and physiology of humans. Includes a survey of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours each week. $50 lab fee. Offered spring on demand.


CHEM 120  Introductory Chemistry (4)
An introduction to chemical principles, including atomic and molecular structure, states of matter, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, thermodynamics, and chemical equilibria. Most of the work is quantitative in nature. Emphasizes development of problem solving skills. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours each week. Prerequisites: CHEM PL or PHSC 100 and math placement H, A or B, or MATH 104 with a grade of C- or higher. $20 lab fee. Offered every semester.


CHEM 130  Chemistry for Health Sciences (4)
Integrated lecture and laboratory course that relates basic inorganic and organic chemical processes to those of biochemistry. Explores the nature of atoms and molecules in terms of simple structures and reactions, and the more complex structures of biochemical molecules and their interactions with living systems. Lecture three hours, laboratory three hours each week. Prerequisites: Math placement H, A, or B, or MATH 104 with a grade of C- or higher. $25 lab fee.  Offered every fall.


MATH 210  Introductory Statistics (4)
Introduces students to learning from data. Topics include the basics of data production, data analysis, probability, Central Limit Theorem, and statistical inference. Statistical software is used for data management, calculation, and visualization. No previous knowledge of statistics is required. Students cannot receive credit for both MATH 210 and PSY 210. Prerequisites: sophomore status or higher, and placement level H, A, or B, or MATH 104 with a grade of C- or higher. Not appropriate for first-year students. Students must have a TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator. Offered every semester.


PSY 101  Introduction to Psychology I (4)
The first part of the introductory psychology courses and a prerequisite for other psychology courses. Covers research methods, theoretical perspectives, biological foundations of behavior, sensory and perceptual processes, cognition, learning, memory, consciousness, and development. Intended for first years and sophomores. Offered every fall.


PSY 102  Introduction to Psychology II (4)
The second part of the introductory psychology sequence and a prerequisite for other psychology courses. Covers motivation, emotion, personality, social psychology, psychological disorders, and industrial/organizational and health psychology. Intended for first years and sophomores. Offered every spring.

Upper Level Ethics Course

PHIL 321 Ethics and Healthcare
Foregoing life-sustaining treatment, procurement of organs and tissue for transplantation, artificial reproduction, allocation of scarce health resources, AIDS: public health vs. private rights.... Such questions of health care confront all of us at some time both as matters of individual concern and as issues of public policy. Students examine the ethical principles that should undergird decisions in health care and apply these principles to concrete cases. Prerequisite: sophomore status or consent. Offered each spring.

Upper Level Course in Social and Behavioral Sciences (pick two from two different departments)

PSY 354 Clinical Psychology
Invites students to explore the field of clinical psychology by examining the roles of clinicians and critically exploring various therapeutic techniques in use today. Students engage in readings, discussions, role-plays, viewing videos of therapy, and writing to explore the multi-faceted world of psychotherapy. Prerequisites: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher, PSY 101 or 102 and junior/senior status. Offered spring of even-numbered years.

PSY 355 Theories of Personality
A survey of the major theoretical descriptions of personality structure, beginning with Freud’s psychodynamic model and tracing developments thereafter through exposure to significant alternative viewpoints. Prerequisites: PSY 101 or 102. Offered fall of even-numbered years.

PSY 385 Psychology of Eating Disorders
Explores the psychology of eating disorders through readings, discussion, lectures, student research and presentations, and visits by clinicians. Students examine the pathology of eating disorders, as well as risk and protective factors for these disorders. Issues investigated include comorbidity with other disorders, etiology, neurobiology, and treatment and prevention. Prerequisites: PSY 101 or 102 and junior/senior status, or consent. Offered January Terms of even-numbered years.

RT 217 Topics in Recreational Therapy
An in-depth study of a Recreation Therapy focused topic, including the study and investigation of related themes of interest. A sophomore-level topics course to provide those students who possess an understanding of the foundations of recreational therapy an opportunity to delve into more diverse and related themes of interest. Prerequisites: Sophomore/Junior/Senior Status. Course may be repeated as topics change. Offered intermittently.

RT 311 Disability and Recreational Therapy
Introduces students to the various disabling conditions that typically receive recreational therapy services. Explores adaptive, corrective and progressive recreational therapy techniques for a variety of disabling conditions. Emphasizes treatment interventions and leisure skills as they relate to specific disorders and habilitative or rehabilitative goals. Offered every spring.

RT 312 Recreational Therapy Management and Organization
Provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to organize, conduct, and evaluate recreational therapy programs in healthcare agencies.  Students develop a written plan of operation for an agency providing recreational therapy services. Field experience is required. Prerequisite: RT 210. Offered every spring.

SW 307 Death, Dying, Loss, and Grief
Explores contemporary and historical societal influences, cultural practices, and spiritual beliefs surrounding the experience of death. Students examine religious rituals related to the preparation of the body, the burial and the mourning process and examine the ethics surrounding end of life decisions and how death is determined from a medical and legal perspective. Other topics include current legal issues and instruments such as advance directives, wills, and powers of attorney; current ethical controversies around life sustaining measures, physician-assisted death, and organ transplantation; the impact of loss throughout the life cycle as a result of normal developmental transitions and as a result of suicide, violence, and disaster; and the needs of those identified as disenfranchised grievers such as partners of AIDS patients, families of suicide victims, women who have miscarried, and young widows/widowers.

SW 336 Lifespan Development and Behavior
Designed for students who want to develop a strong foundation in human growth and development. Biological, social, and psychological theories of growth and development are examined from a multi-disciplinary perspective. Students learn about normal development from conception to aged death as well as certain pathological processes are. Prerequisite: junior status or consent. Offered every fall.

SW 384 Drugs of Abuse
An introduction to the complex issues surrounding both licit and illicit drugs. The most widely used/abused drugs are studied in some depth to include an overview of their pharmacology and the neurophysiology of the brain. The major classifications of drugs of abuse, their addictive potential and the continuum of use, misuse, abuse and addiction are addressed. The short and long term consequences of drug use are studied in addition to the dangers of drug interactions. Offered most fall semesters.

SW 385 Substance Abuse & Chemical Dependency
Examines the effects of drugs of abuse on our society. Topics include defining the drug problem and its effects on the abuser, family, economy, legal system, and health care, and the issues and impact of treatment and 12-step support groups. Offered most spring semesters.

SOC 311 Family
Examines the contemporary American family and the history, forms, and functions of families in other times and cultures. Special attention is given to the family as a social institution, its relationship with other institutions, forces of social and cultural change, and the future of the family. Prerequisite: ENG 105 with a grade of C or higher. Offered intermittently.

SOC 351 Medical Sociology
Designed to provide students an introduction to sociological perspectives on the study of health, illness, and health care. Topics include epidemiology, the structures and organization of health care systems and medical encounters, bioethical issues, and current issues shaping the future of health, illness, and health care. Offered each spring.