Weather Update:

Virginia Wesleyan University will operate in a modified manner on Wednesday, February 19th. Classes will be offered virtually and employees will work remotely. Essential personnel should report to campus as scheduled.The University will continue to evaluate weather and road conditions to determine when normal operations can safely resume.

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Course Schedules

Virginia Wesleyan University works on a 4x4 system, which means students take four, four credit courses each fall and spring semester. Doing that for four years will garner enough credits to graduate on time. To graduate, you’ll also need to satisfy all of the Academic Requirements.

The Academic Advisors have worked with your Building Your Schedule Survey responses to build your Fall 2020 schedule. The links below provide answers to your questions about making sense of your schedule, what it all means, and how to go about asking to change it. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact an Academic Advisor at anytime.

How Was My Schedule Created?
An explanation of how your schedule was put together.

How to Read Your Schedule
Reading your course schedule can be a little confusing. This guide explains the different parts of your schedule and the meaning of the abbreviations.

Changing Your Schedule

What Are Wesleyan Seminars?
Wesleyan Seminars bring students from across the university together in seminar-style courses in which the process of liberal education is begun (Seminar I) and developed (Seminars II and III).  Seminars focus on topics chosen by the faculty and represent a wide variety of interests each semester. 

Placement Guides

The courses you took in high school and your SAT or ACT test scores determine which courses you are eligible or required to take in certain areas. These placements are listed on your schedule. The guides below explain and define those placements.