Welcome, Marlins!
These pages provide information about understanding schedules, academic requirements, degree planning, and other important details for planning your course of study and working with your Academic Advisor.
Assignment to an Academic Advisor
Prior to arrival on campus, first-year students are paired with a professional Academic Advisor. Entering students meet with their Academic Advisors to finalize their schedule of classes. Undeclared students continue to work with their Academic Advisor until they select a major and a Faculty Advisor within their chosen discipline.
Declaring a Major and Selecting a Faculty Advisor
Upon declaring a major, a student will petition a full-time faculty member in their major field to serve as their Faculty Advisor. Students must complete a Declaration of Major Form, which is signed by both the student and the major advisor. At a minimum, students will meet with their Faculty Advisors during the officially designated advising weeks in the fall and spring before being released for web registration. Leading up to graduation, a student must complete an Application for Degree, at which time their Faculty Advisor will certify that the student has completed all university and major requirements.
You can contact University Advising at any time by emailing us at academicadvising@vwu.edu or you may request a meeting with your Academic Advisor advisor using this form.