Weather Update:

The University will be closed on Friday, February 21, due to weather conditions in our immediate area. All non-essential employees should work remotely from home.  Students should monitor their University email and check Blackboard for faculty instructions, as some classes will be conducted remotely. Essential personnel should report to campus as scheduled.

We anticipate returning to normal operations on Monday, February 24.

Additional Information

Major Requirements

Major: Sociology (BA)

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

SOC 100: Introduction to Sociology - OR - SOC 270: Social Problems* 4
SOC 345: Foundations of Sociology 4
SOC 350: Introduction to Social Research 4
SOC 353: Applied Sociology* - OR - SOC 480: Senior Research Project 4
SOC 488: Senior Capstone 4
Two additional SOC courses at the 300/400 level 8
Three additional courses at any level, including one or two from the allied course list 12
SOC electives:

SOC 110, 215, 227, 237, 251, 303, 308, 311, 336, 351, 360, 400, 418, 460.

*Students seeking an applied emphasis should consider taking these courses.

Internship (optional)
SOC 483: Internship Preparation - AND - SOC 484: Internship in Sociology

Suggested Allied Courses (see advisor):

ENVS 106: Humans, the Environment & Sustainability
INST 123: Service Learning in Hampton Roads
INST 124: Service Learning and Issues of Civic Engagement in Hampton Roads
GEOG 112: Cultural Geography - OR - GEOG 113: Human Geography
SW 361: Human Sexuality
SW 402: Women on the Brink
HIST 451: History of the Holocaust
MATH 210: Introductory Statistics - OR - MATH 310: Statistical Models
PHIL 272/372:Beyond the Western Tradition - OR - PHIL 292/392: Alternative Futures
POLS 103: Global Realities - OR - POLS 353: Globalization & its Discontents
PSY 227: Social Psychology
RELST 116: World Religions
RELST 140: Religion in American Culture - OR - RELST 250: Religion & Popular Culture
SPAN 210: Hispanic Myths/Rituals - OR - SPAN 265: U.S. Latino Culture

TH 375: Images of Women in Theatre & Film
Total without Internship 40

This list is merely suggestive and is up-dated regularly. Students should consult their advisors and choose allied courses suited to their academic and career interests.

Minor Requirements: Sociology

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

One of the following:
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology
SOC 270 Social Problems
Two Sociology courses at the 200 level or above 8
Two Sociology courses at the 300/400 level 8
Total 20