Weather Update:

The University will be closed on Friday, February 21, due to weather conditions in our immediate area. All non-essential employees should work remotely from home.  Students should monitor their University email and check Blackboard for faculty instructions, as some classes will be conducted remotely. Essential personnel should report to campus as scheduled.

We anticipate returning to normal operations on Monday, February 24.

Additional Information

Emergency Procedures

Medical Emergencies

Emergency Operations Plan

Emergency Operations Plan

In the event of a minor or major medical emergency, call Campus Security at 757.233.8888. Do not administer first aid unless you are trained in first aid procedures. For detailed procedures please see Appendix A of the emergency procedures plan.

Sexual Assault

In the event the victim needs medical attention, call Campus Security at 757.233.8888. There are several options available both on campus and in the community.
» For detailed procedures please see Appendix B of the emergency procedures plan.


Contact the Director of Counseling and Student Health, Michelle De Rosa, at 757.455.3131.
» For detailed procedures please see Appendix C of the emergency procedures plan.

Communicable Diseases

Contact Campus Security at 757.233.8888
» For detailed procedures please see Appendix D of the emergency procedures plan.

Fire Emergencies

In the event of a fire, call Campus Security immediately at 757.233.8888.
» For detailed procedures please see Appendix E of the emergency procedures plan.

Weather Emergencies

Please refer to the University's Web site or the University's inclement weather hotline, 757.904.1991. Closing information will also be available on local television and radio stations. In extreme situations, resident students may be required to evacuate campus.
» For detailed procedures please see Appendix F of the emergency procedures plan.

Utility Failure

In the event of a major utility failure, immediately notify Campus Security at 757.233.8888.
» For detailed procedures please see Appendix G of the emergency procedures plan.

Suspicious Package and Hazardous Materials

» For detailed procedures please see Appendix H of the emergency procedures plan.

Continuity of Operations

Continuity of Operations (COOP) is an effort to ensure that the University can provide vital services, ensure continuous performance of essential functions, maintain safety, protect essential equipment, reduce disruption to operations, and minimize damage and losses in an emergency. Additionally, COOP identifies relocation sites before the emergency and assists with an orderly recovery after the emergency.
» For additional procedures please see Appendix I of the emergency procedures plan.

Unforseen Life Threatening Emergencies

An Unforeseen Life-Threatening Emergency is defined as a crisis situation where the actions of an individual or group of individuals may result in serious injury and/or death to members of the campus community. An Unforeseen Life-Threatening Emergency is not a situation such as health concerns or other non-urgent matter that can be managed though means that will not disrupt the campus community. Gunfire, bomb threats, and hostage situations are all examples of Unforeseen Life- Threatening Emergencies.

All Unforeseen Life-Threatening Emergencies will require the response of the Virginia Beach Police Department, and the University's primary concern during an Unforeseen Life-Threatening Emergency will be safety and communication.
» For additional procedures please see Appendix J of the emergency procedures plan.