Mathematics is at its heart the search for pattern or structure. It is an essential component of the liberal arts: A mathematician finds a structure and develops a vocabulary or theory for describing, exploring, and extending it further. Study in mathematics engages students in the search and in the articulation of the consequences. The study of mathematics requires both creativity and rigorous, logical thinking. Computer science is a discipline involving the analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance of computer systems; it is a key component of a modern education.
About The Program
The Mathematics and Computer Science Department offers majors in mathematics and in computer science leading either to the B.A. degree or the B.S. degree. Each program provides a broad education in fundamentals and problem-solving strategies. The B.A. options offer basic majors in mathematics and computer science. The B.S. options are designed for students with an additional strong interest in science or engineering. Both options are appropriate for students who plan to pursue graduate study in the same or related fields. Minors in mathematics and in computer science complement majors in many fields, including biology, business, chemistry, and earth and environmental science. The department also offers courses to support secondary teacher certification in cooperation with the Education Department through the MAEd. The program meets all content requirements for effective high school teaching and for licensure in Virginia. Further, the department offers coursework for students seeking certification in elementary education.
Majors: Mathematics (BA, BS), Computer Science (BA, BS)
Minors: Mathematics, Computer Science
Department Chair: Dr. Lydia Kennedy
College: Joan P. Brock School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Why Study at VWU?
Accelerated Degree Options
Pre-Engineering Program at ODU
The Pre-Engineering Program offers students the opportunity to earn both a Bachelor of Science degree from Virginia Wesleyan University and a Master's degree in Aerospace, Biomedical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Mechanical, Modeling & Simulation, or Systems Engineering from Old Dominion University.
Internships/Undergraduate Research
Independent or guided research projects are en couraged and pursued by many students in these programs. Students are offered the opportunity to conduct original research in an area of interest. Students work closely with one or more members of the natural science faculty to develop and conduct a research project, and then present their find ings during the semester's undergraduate research symposium or at PORT day. Students are also encouraged to present their findings at a conference. Qualified students assist mathematics instructors in the classroom. Enrollment as a teaching assis tant is by invitation of the MATH/CS department. Although the course is required for students seeking certification in secondary education, enrollment is not limited to such students.
Beyond the Classroom
Career options in mathematics include:
- actuary
- operations research
- cryptanalyst
- cost estimator
- national security analyst
- statistician
- and education
Career options in computer science include:
- software developer
- programmer
- system analyst
- computer administrator
- and systems consultant