The history and social science major is designed for students who plan to teach history and/or social studies at the secondary level. It meets all content requirements for teacher certification in social studies in Virginia. In addition to history, areas of study include government, civics, international studies, economics, and geography. This major also emphasizes historical interpretation and offers students opportunities to pursue independent historical research.
About The Program
Course offerings in history are intended to familiarize students with both the American and Western heritage, as well as with some aspects of the history of the non-Western world. The study of history is presented as a means of integrating college experiences and developing certain perceptual and analytical skills. Students are exposed to a broad range of modern historical methodologies, making connections between history and many other academic disciplines. The study of history is aimed at students who are motivated by diverse goals. It offers excellent preparation for careers in law, civil service, journalism, business, foreign service, museum work, and archives, and for graduate study, including law school.
Majors: History (BA), History and Social Science (BA)
Minor: History, History and Social Science
Program Chair: Dr. Rich Bond
College: Birdsong School of Social Science
The Capstone Experience
Through the Senior Capstone Experience (SIE), history majors complete advanced creative and scholarly work to prepare them for future employment in business, law, government or academia. Students research and write their senior theses with the guidance of the faculty, culminating in an oral defense of the thesis and a public presentation. Students are encouraged to present their research at undergraduate conferences, where they often win prizes.
Beyond the Classroom
Virginia Wesleyan's location, in the heart of the historic Hampton Roads area, provides a speĀ cial advantage for students pursuing a degree in history. The Department has a robust Internship program which places students at historical sites, museums, and archives in the region. History majors emerge from our program extremely well equipped to excel in today's competitive world with sharp and supple minds and a wide variety of important skills. The critical reading, writing, and thinking skills taught in the history classroom are essential for a variety of careers. Many history students work in law, journalism, government, politics, and international affairs, as well as other fields. Businesses seek history majors because of the keen analytical and writing skills they offer. History likewise offers excellent preparation for graduate school. Law schools, in particular, seek history majors because of their analytical skills.