Major Requirements

The environmental studies major is designed to teach students how to understand their physical and social environments as the intersection of a variety of overlapping forces, including constraints of biology and climate, as well as the influence of law and public policy, literature and philosophy. This major recognizes the urgency of an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems such as resource depletion, overpopulation, habitat loss, environmental degradation, pollution, and ultimately the loss of biodiversity. As the major draws upon courses from across all three academic divisions of the University, the skills and knowledge imparted to students are correspondingly broad, yet centered around an abiding concern with the environment.

Major: Environmental Studies (BA)

Environmental Studies Course Requirements

Sem. Hrs.

ENVS 106: Humans, the Environment, & Sustainability


Choose TWO from the following courses:
MBE 100: Introduction to Economics
MBE 201: Introductory Macroeconomics
MBE 202: Introductory Microeconomics
MBE 207: Economics and the Environment



PHIL/ENVS 304: Environmental Ethics


POLS/ENVS 326: Environmental Policy Analysis


PHIL 399: Environmental Justice


Choose TWO from the following courses:
BIO 130: Principles of Biology I
EES 133: Environmental Geology with lab
EES 200: Oceanography
EES 210: Meteorology
EES 270: Environmental Chemistry




Choose TWO from the following courses:
BIO 316: General Ecology
BIO 319: Field Studies in Coastal Environments
BIO 320: Ornithology
BIO 333: Conservation Biology
BIO 340: Tropical Marine Ecology
BIO 355: Marine Ecology
BIO 475: Natural and Social History of the Chesapeake Bay
EES 300: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
EES 320: Energy and the Environment
EES 330: Advanced Topics in Geology
EES 340: Climatology
EES 410: Physical Hydrology
EES 450: Biogeochemistry





Choose 4 credits from the following:
ENVS 283: Seminar in Alaska
ENVS 470: Internship in Environmental Studies
BIO 330: Urban Ecology
BIO 375: Topics in Tropical Biology
BIO 470: Internships in the Natural Sciences
BIO 489: Research in the Natural Sciences
EES 250: Field Experiences in Earth and Environment Sciences
EES 470: Internship in the Natural Sciences
EES 489: Research in the Natural Sciences
SRM 348: Maui to Moguls: The Impact of Adventure Travels on Culture & the Environment





Choose one of the following:
ENVS 420: Topics in Sustainability
ENVS 425: The Age of Oil
ENVS 444: Communicating Ocean Science to Informal Audiences (COSIA)
PHIL 372: Beyond the Western Tradition
POLS 343: Public Administration
POLS 373: Conflict Management
SRM 344: Outdoor Recreation and Education
ENG/ENVS 306: Ecopoetry
MATH 210: Introductory Statistics





Total Hours Required 48


Students may NOT double major in ENVS and Sustainability Management, due to the modest degree of overlap between the two.

Minor: Environmental Studies

Course Number And Title

Sem. Hrs.

Choose Three from the following courses:

ENVS 106: Humans, the Environment & Sustainability PHIL/ENVS 304: Environmental Ethics
ENG/ENVS 306: Ecopoetry
POLS/ENVS 326: Environmental Policy Analysis PHIL/ENVS 399: Environmental Justice
ENVS 420: Topics in Sustainability

Choose One of the Following:

BIO 130: Principles of Biology I
EES 133: Environmental Geology with Laboratory
EES 200: Oceanography
EES 210: Meteorology
EES 250: Field Experiences in Earth and Environment Sciences
EES 270: Environmental Chemistry


Choose One of the Following:
BIO 316: General Ecology
BIO 319: Field Studies in Coastal Environments
BIO 320: Ornithology
BIO 330: Urban Ecology
BIO 333: Conservation Biology
BIO 340: Tropical Marine Ecology
BIO 355: Marine Ecology
BIO 375: Topics in Tropical Biology
BIO 475: Natural and Social History of the Chesapeake Bay
BIO 489: Research in the Natural Sciences
EES 300: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
EES 320: Energy and the Environment
EES 330: Advanced Topics in Geology
EES 340: Climatology
EES 410: Physical Hydrology
EES 450: Biogeochemistry
EES 489: Research in the Natural Sciences

Total Hours Required 20