In cases in which the complainant chooses to keep his/her name, the name of the accused person, and other information confidential or decides not to file a formal complaint of sex-based harassment against a student, faculty member, staff member, or other third party, the complainant should initially and exclusively report the matter to one of the individuals listed below.
- Michelle De Rosa, Director of Counseling and Student Health, 757.455.3131,
- Brandon Foster, Therapist, 757.455.5730
- Marie Porter, Director of Campus Ministries, 757.455.3400
- Student Health Center Personnel, 757.455.3108.
Virginia Wesleyan University strongly supports and encourages prompt reporting of sex-based harassment and equitable resolution. Reporting provides resources to complainants and contributes to keeping the campus safe.
If the accused or respondent is a non-student or non-University employee, you may still report the incident to University officials or law enforcement. Complaints should be filed with Campus Security or the University’s Title IX Coordinator.