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Mascot Math

VWC's newly redesigned mascot, Bob Marlin, featured in Sports Illustrated

Sports Illustratedvwcathletics.com | September 22, 2014

Bob Marlin hit the big time this month as the flashy face of Virginia Wesleyan was one of three mascots whose recent makeovers were featured in the Sept. 22 issue of Sports Illustrated.

Bob was highlighted in an infographic by Mark Bechtel titled “Mascot Math” in which a silly math equation calculated how he got from old to new (Bob Marlin ÷ Jabberjaw + Mickey’s feet + Barry Bonds = New Bob). Iowa's Waldorf College Warrior and the University of Maryland's Testudo were also featured.

“To have [Bob’s] recent makeover highlighted is pretty special,” says VWC Head Women's Basketball Coach Stephany Dunmyer. “It brings some national attention to not only a great mascot but also a terrific school and athletic department."

The marlin was adopted as the College's mascot by the first Board of Trustees in 1963, inspired by the legendary fighting game fish prevalent off the Atlantic coast. It wasn’t until 2003 that "Bob Marlin," as he is known today, was born. He is the result of a class project assigned by Professor of Recreation and Leisure Studies Doug Kennedy.

In 2012, Kennedy’s “Management of Recreation and Leisure Services II” classes began the process of giving Bob another makeover. Students raised the funds needed to implement his new style and held focus groups to get a better idea of how the VWC community wanted him to look. They worked with the mascot-design company BAM! to develop his new version, which includes bigger muscles, a brighter complexion and an interchangeable wardrobe.

The redesigned Bob Marlin made his debut on Feb. 12 during halftime of the VWC vs. Hampden-Sydney College men's basketball game. He helped bring VWC to a 66-63 victory.

Read more about about Bob Marlin's recent redesign and reveal in Bob Blog: A Mascot Makeover