Virginia Wesleyan Feature Stories

2024 Homecoming Highlights

Marlins gathered for FinFest, athletic competitions, special dedications, and more during Homecoming & Family Weekend

VWU Announces CompleteU as Presenting Sponsor for Marlins Esports

Additional gift from Kellam Mechanical funds expansion of game lineup

Avery Belisle ’27 Selected for 2024 WACA Student Scholars Program and National Conference

For Batten Honors College Scholar, it’s all part of a purposely-crafted plan

Homecoming and Family Weekend is Here

Marlins, come home for a weekend full of fun!

Getting to Know New Faculty

Meet Dr. Tyler A. Lehrer, Assistant Professor of History

VWU Welcomes New Faculty

Meet Dr. Jenelle Fortunato, Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Racial Identity, Laughter, and Politics

Political theorist Patrick Giamario discusses how laughter functions politically during Nusbaum Center event

Quiet and Confident

Soft-Spoken Senior Waylo Wilson makes a big impression on and off the court

Twelve New Scholars Join VWU Faculty

The first in a series on new faculty members: Alumna April Christman ‘14

Student Joins Animal Conservation Efforts in Australia

BHC Scholar Katie Baker ’25 making undergraduate research a top priority

VWU Pays Tribute to Hispanic Heritage

Campus events celebrate the significance of Hispanic American culture throughout the U.S.