Weather Update:

The University will be closed on Friday, February 21, due to weather conditions in our immediate area. All non-essential employees should work remotely from home.  Students should monitor their University email and check Blackboard for faculty instructions, as some classes will be conducted remotely. Essential personnel should report to campus as scheduled.

We anticipate returning to normal operations on Monday, February 24.

Additional Information

The Pharos Submission Form

The Pharos submissions for the previous month (only) are due on the 1st day of the following month.

Submit your recent VWU Faculty Focus accomplishment below.

All fields required

After completing each field below, submit your accomplishment here.

Contact person information
(If other faculty/staff were involved, include names in description text box.)

Submission Information

Submission Type:

Please fill in the following fields for data collection purposes.

50 words or less ( words left)
50 words or less ( words left)


John Doe presented a paper titled "Teaching Off the Charts” as part of a panel discussion at the South Virginia Association for College Teachers conference in Rock, Va. 

Example 2: IN PRINT
Jane Doe reviewed Mathematics Rock for Boulder Magazine.

Jack Doe's students developed and led activities for elementary-age students at a local after-school program sponsored through the VWU Community Service office for his FYE 101 First Year Experience.

60 words or less ( words left)

JPG, PNG, or GIF file formats only;
Files must be less than 4mb in size;

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After completing each field below, submit your accomplishment here.