
Major in Mathematics or Computer Science

The Cybersecurity major at VWU is designed to equip students with the essential skills for safeguarding digital information and infrastructure. The program emphasizes the identification and mitigation of cyber threats, along with a deep understanding of legal and ethical considerations in cybersecurity. Graduates are well-prepared for a range of career opportunities in this rapidly evolving field.

About The Program

The minor in cybersecurity focuses on the dynamic challenges and countermeasures in the digital world and IT infrastructure. This program conveys a foundational understanding of the rapidly expanding realm of cybersecurity, emphasizing measures to protect against unauthorized access to computer systems and internet-connected data. Students in this minor will acquire practical skills in cybersecurity tools and protection tactics, equipping them to think analytically about networked systems and their associated security risks. The minor can be combined with any major except Computer Science and Computer Information Systems.

The minor cannot be combined with any major except Computer Science and Computer Information Systems.

Why Study at VWU?

Independent or guided research projects are encouraged and pursued by many students in these programs. Students are offered the opportunity to conduct original research in an area of interest. Students work closely with one or more members of the natural science faculty to develop and conduct a research project, and then present their findĀ­ ings during the semester's undergraduate research symposium or at PORT day. Students are also encouraged to present their findings at a conference. Qualified students assist mathematics instructors in the classroom. Enrollment as a teaching assisĀ­ tant is by invitation of the MATH/CS department. Although the course is required for students seeking certification in secondary education, enrollment is not limited to such students.

Career options in cybersecurity include:

  • Information Security Analyst
  • Network Security Engineer
  • Cybersecurity Consultant
  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Architect
  • Security Software Developer
  • Compliance Analyst