BHC Spotlight: Hailey Schumacher '22
Major/Minor: Music with a concentration in composition & Classical Studies Major
Hometown: Flanders, NJ

Why you chose BHC (beyond the scholarship benefit):
I chose the BHC because it gave me many opportunities to challenge myself academically on campus and off campus. The program was new but vigorous, and it attracted me to want to challenge myself throughout my college career.
What benefits have you gained from the BHC:
I have gained a sense of professional confidence by attending conferences such as the Virginias Collegiate Honors Council Fall conference. The BHC has also provided me with an engaging curriculum of classes that I mostly likely would not have taken if I was not in the honors college. I have gotten the chance to do research in my classes and present it to peers. But what is most important about the benefits the BHC has provided me with so far, is that it taught me how to be an individual in my social life, my professional/ academic life and my personal life.
Highlight a specific research, internship, or study abroad experience(s).
The summer after my freshman year, I went on the HON 200 study away experience to Berlin, Germany. The experience was truly life changing and I still speak about it to this day. Though the class itself was vigorous and kept all the students engaged, Dr. Schwennicke did an amazing job at relating the history and politics of Berlin to the culture there today. One of the coolest class trips we did was a graffiti tour of Berlin today. Though many of the markings on the street are newer, she pointed out later in class how the history of Berlin and the division it was under shaped this art form and many other parts of the cultures. As someone who did not have a huge political science background, I really enjoyed the class and it really showed me how a two-three week trip can really mold one's perspective on life.
How did the BHC curriculum or program prepare you for this experience?
Through encouraging discussion-based classes where different viewpoints were always showcased, the BHC helped prepare me by helping me become a better engaged listener. Throughout the curriculum, students are asked to discuss articles and topics, some of which I knew little to nothing about prior. But I’ve learned that you can learn a lot from your peers and other individuals just by listening. By utilizing this on my trip to Berlin, Germany, I was able to not only grasp a better knowledge of public and international policy by engaging in conversations with my colleagues, but I was about to partake in engaging conversations while asking questions because that is what the BHC prepared me for.
What do/did you hope to achieve/gain from this experience?
I achieved a better understanding of not only cultures outside of my own, but it is okay to challenge policies if you deem it to be the correct thing to do.
List of things involved with on campus (sports teams, clubs, academic competitions/teams, positions held and description of duties)
- VWU ESPORTS - starter mid lander for league of legends team
- Alpha Sigma Alpha Sorority - treasurer (nov 2019- nov 2020)
- ETA Sigma Phi
- Programs Council
List any awards, recognitions, and/or conference presentations:
- President’s List and Dean's List
- Eta Sigma Phi honors society
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me using the info below:
Hailey Schumacher